
Showing posts from November, 2023

Change Title of any WebSite

 You can just do something like,  document.title = "This is the new page title.";

Domain and Hosting

Several types of web hosting: 1. Shared Hosting: Multiple websites share resources on the same server. Cost-effective but may have limitations on resources. 2. Virtual Private Server (VPS) Hosting: Virtualization technology partitions a physical server into multiple virtual servers. Offers more control and resources than shared hosting. 3. Dedicated Hosting: Entire physical server dedicated to one user or website. Provides full control over server resources. 4. Cloud Hosting: Resources are spread across multiple servers, often in different locations. Offers scalability and reliability. 5. Managed WordPress Hosting: Specifically optimized for WordPress websites. Provider handles technical aspects like updates and backups. 6. Reseller Hosting: Allows individuals to sell hosting services to others. Resellers can create their own hosting plans. 7. Colocation Hosting: Users own their servers and place them in a data center. Data center provides the infrastructure, security, and connectivity

Linux Commands and Useful Tips

  <*> lsb_release -a => Show Ubuntu Os and release info <*> sudo apt update => Update System  <*> sudo apt upgrade => Upgrade the System <*> pwd => Shows your working directory <*> touch myname.txt => Create file  <*> nano myname.txt => myname.txt file editing after completing enter ctrl+x then save press Y <*> Cat myname.txt => cat for show content of any file. <*> shred file.txt => it destroy file contents <*> mkdir mynewdirectory => Create folder <*> mv newfile.awesome ./mynewdirectory/newfile.awesome => Move file source -> destination <*> ls mynewdirectory/ => check all folders and files inside. it shows newfile.awesome <*>  rm myname.txt => remove file <*> rm -r mynewdirectory => All directory and files are deleted. <*> rmdir mynewdirectory => If directory has contains some files, then not possible to delete it. <*> clear => clear the terminal &


Popup Celebrations

          < canvas id = "drawing_canvas" ></ canvas >         < style >             #drawing_canvas {                 position : absolute ;                 margin : auto ;                 width : 1200px ;                 height : 750px ;                 top : 0 ;                 bottom : 0 ;                 left : 0 ;                 right : 0 ;             }                     </ style >         < script >             const TWO_PI = Math . PI * 2 ;             const HALF_PI = Math . PI * 0.5 ;             // canvas settings             var viewWidth = 1200 ,                 viewHeight = 750 ,                 drawingCanvas = document . getElementById ( "drawing_canvas" ),                 ctx ,                 timeStep = ( 1 / 60 );             Point = function ( x , y ) {                 this . x = x || 0 ;                 this . y = y || 0 ;             };             Particle = function ( p0 , p1 , p2 , p3 ) {