Linux Terminal
Certainly! The Linux terminal is a powerful tool that allows users to interact with the operating system through a command-line interface. Here's a guide to some basic to advanced Linux commands:
### Basic Commands:
1. **Navigation:**
- `pwd`: Print the current working directory.
- `ls`: List files and directories.
- `cd <directory>`: Change directory.
- `cd ..`: Move up one directory.
2. **File Operations:**
- `touch <filename>`: Create an empty file.
- `cp <source> <destination>`: Copy files or directories.
- `mv <source> <destination>`: Move/rename files or directories.
- `rm <filename>`: Remove a file.
- `rm -r <directory>`: Remove a directory and its contents.
3. **Directory Operations:**
- `mkdir <directory>`: Create a new directory.
- `rmdir <directory>`: Remove an empty directory.
4. **Viewing File Content:**
- `cat <filename>`: Display the entire file.
- `more <filename>` or `less <filename>`: Display content one screen at a time.
- `head <filename>`: Display the first few lines.
- `tail <filename>`: Display the last few lines.
5. **File Permissions:**
- `chmod <permissions> <file>`: Change file permissions.
- `chown <user>:<group> <file>`: Change file ownership.
### Intermediate Commands:
6. **Searching:**
- `grep <pattern> <filename>`: Search for a pattern in a file.
- `find <directory> -name <filename>`: Find files in a directory.
7. **Process Management:**
- `ps`: Display information about active processes.
- `kill <PID>`: Terminate a process.
- `top` or `htop`: Display a dynamic view of system processes.
8. **Text Editing:**
- `nano <filename>` or `vim <filename>`: Text editors for creating or editing files.
9. **Archives and Compression:**
- `tar -cvzf <archive.tar.gz> <directory>`: Create a compressed tarball.
- `tar -xvzf <archive.tar.gz>`: Extract files from a tarball.
### Advanced Commands:
10. **System Information:**
- `uname -a`: Display system information.
- `df -h`: Show disk space usage.
- `free -m`: Display memory usage.
11. **Networking:**
- `ifconfig` or `ip addr show`: Display network interfaces.
- `ping <hostname>`: Check network connectivity.
- `netstat -an`: Display network connections.
12. **User Management:**
- `useradd <username>`: Add a new user.
- `passwd <username>`: Change user password.
- `usermod -aG <group> <username>`: Add a user to a group.
13. **Package Management (apt for Debian/Ubuntu):**
- `sudo apt update`: Update package lists.
- `sudo apt upgrade`: Upgrade installed packages.
- `sudo apt install <package>`: Install a new package.
- `sudo apt remove <package>`: Remove a package.
These commands should provide a good starting point for navigating and managing a Linux system. Remember to use the manual pages (`man`) for more detailed information about each command and its options. For example, `man ls` will display the manual for the `ls` command.
System Based Commands
uname | Displays system information: kernel version, machine type, and more. |
uname -r | Displays the running Linux kernel's release version. |
uptime | Shows current time, system uptime, users, and load averages. |
hostname | Shows the system hostname. |
hostname -i | Displays the IP address of the current host. |
last reboot | Shows last reboot times and durations in logs. |
date | Displays the current date and time information. |
timedatectl | Displays detailed system clock and time zone information. |
cal | Displays a simple calendar of the current month. |
w | Shows who is logged on and their activity. |
whoami | Displays the username of the current user. |
finger username | Displays information about a user named 'username'. |
Hardware Based Commands
dmesg | Displays messages from the kernel's ring buffer. |
cat /proc/cpuinfo | Displays detailed information about the CPU. |
cat /proc/meminfo | Displays detailed system memory usage information. |
lscpu | Lists information about the CPU. |
lshw | Lists detailed hardware configuration of the system. |
lsblk | Lists information about all available block devices. |
free -m | Shows system memory usage in megabytes. |
lspci -tv | Displays PCI devices in tree format, verbosely. |
lsusb -tv | Shows USB devices as a tree, verbosely. |
dmidecode | Displays hardware information from system BIOS |
hdparm -i /dev/sda | Displays information of disk /dev/sda. |
badblocks -s /dev/sda | Checks /dev/sda for bad blocks, showing progress. |
User Management Commands
id | Displays the user's UID, GID, and groups. |
last | Shows list of last logged-in users. |
who | Displays who is currently logged in. |
groupadd admin | Creates a new user group named admin. |
adduser Sam | Creates a new user account named Sam. |
userdel Sam | Deletes the user account named Sam. |
usermod | Modifies properties of an existing user account. |
File Commands
ls -al | Lists all files, detailed information, in long format. |
pwd | Displays the present working directory's path. |
mkdir dir1 | Creates a new directory named dir1. |
rm file1 | Deletes the file named file1. |
rm -f file2 | Forcefully deletes the file named file2. |
rm -r dir1 | Recursively removes directory dir1 and its contents. |
rm -rf dir1 | Forcefully deletes directory dir1 and its contents. |
cp file1 file2 | Copies file1, creating or overwriting file2. |
cp -r dir1 dir2 | Copies dir1 to dir2, including subdirectories. |
mv file1 file2 | Renames or moves file1 to file2. |
ln -s /path/to/file_name link_name | Creates symbolic link named link_name to file_name. |
touch file1 | Creates an empty file named file1. |
cat > file1 | Creates/overwrites file1, awaiting standard input. |
more file1 | Displays file1 content, paginating through output. |
head file1 | Displays the first ten lines of file1. |
tail file1 | Displays the last ten lines of file1. |
gpg -c file1 | Encrypts file1 with symmetric cipher using passphrase. |
gpg file2.gpg | Decrypts file2.gpg, prompting for the passphrase. |
wc | Counts words, lines, and characters in files. |
xargs | Executes commands with piped or file-provided arguments. |
Process Related Commands
ps | Displays a snapshot of current processes. |
ps aux | grep telnet | Displays running telnet processes with details. |
pmap | Shows memory map of a process. |
top | Displays dynamic real-time view of running tasks. |
kill 1234 | Terminates the process with PID 1234. |
killall proc | Kills all processes named 'proc'. |
pkill process-name | Terminates processes with the name. |
bg | Resumes suspended jobs in the background |
fg | Brings a suspended job to foreground |
fg n | Brings job number 'n' to foreground. |
lsof | Lists all open files and processes. |
renice 19 PID | Changes priority of process with given PID. |
pgrep firefox | Displays Process ID(s) for firefox processes. |
pstree | Displays a tree of running processes. |
File Permission Commands
chmod 644 /data/test.c | Sets the permissions of the file /data/test.c to be read/write for the owner, and read-only for the group and others. |
chmod 755 /dir1 | Assigns read, write, and execute permissions to the owner, and read and execute permissions to the group and others for the directory /dir1 . |
chown bob:devops filename | Changes file 'filename' ownership to 'bob' and 'devops'. |
chown ownername:groupname directory | Change owner and group of the directory. |
Network Commands
ip addr show | Displays all network interfaces and their information. |
ip address add dev eth0 | Assigns IP address to interface eth0. |
ifconfig | Shows network interfaces and their configuration. |
ping host | Sends ICMP packets, measures round-trip time to "host". |
whois domain | Retrieves and displays domain's registration information. |
dig domain | Queries DNS, provides domain's DNS information. |
dig -x host | Resolves IP address to hostname, shows DNS information. |
host | Performs an IP lookup for the domain name |
wget file_path | Downloads file from specified path. |
netstat | Displays various network-related information and statistics. |
ss | Display information about network sockets. |
Compression/Archives Commands
tar -cf backup.tar /home/ubuntu | Creates a tar archive of /home/ubuntu directory. |
tar -xf backup.tar | Extracts files from "backup.tar" archive. |
tar -zcvf backup.tar.gz /home/ubuntu | Creates compressed "backup.tar.gz" archive of "/home/ubuntu" |
gzip file1 | Compresses "file1" into "file1.gz", original is removed. |
Install Packages Commands
rpm -i pkg_name.rpm | Installs the package "pkg_name.rpm" using RPM Package Manager. |
rpm -e pkg_name | Uninstalls the specified RPM package. |
dnf install pkg_name | Installs the specified package using DNF. |
pacman -S pkg_name | Installs the specified package using Pacman. |
Install Source (Compilation)
./configure | Checks system compatibility and generates makefile for software installation. |
make | Compiles code by following instructions in the Makefile. |
make install | Installs compiled code into specified system locations. |
Search Commands
grep pattern file | Search for a given pattern within the file. |
grep -r pattern dir1 | Recursively searches for the specified "pattern" within the "dir1" directory and its subdirectories |
locate file | Finds files named "file" using prebuilt database. |
find /home -name index | Searches "/home" directory for files named "index" recursively. |
find /home -size +10000k | Finds files over 10000k size in /home directory. |
Login Commands
ssh user@hostname | Initiates SSH connection to specified hostname. |
ssh -p port_number user@hostname | Initiates SSH connection using specific port. |
Connect to the host via telnet default port 23 | Securely connect to the system via SSH default port 22 |
telnet host | Connect to the host via telnet default port 23. |
File Transfer Commands
scp file.txt remoteuser@remote_host:/remote/directory | Copies file.txt to remote host's specified directory. |
rsync -a /home/ubuntu /backup/ | Synchronizes content from source directory to destination directory,preserving attributes. |
rsync -a /var/www/web/ user@remote_host:/backup/web_backup/ | Synchronizes local directory to remote, preserving attributes. |
Disk Usage Commands
df -h | Displays human-readable disk space usage for all mounted filesystems. |
df -i | Displays inode usage information for all mounted filesystems. |
fdisk -l | Lists all partitions and their information on all drives. |
du -sh /dir1 | Displays summary of total disk usage size of /dir1, human-readable. |
findmnt | Displays a list of all mounted filesystems and their properties. |
mount device-path mount-point | Mounts the device at the specified filesystem mount point. |
Directory Traverse Commands
cd .. | Navigate to the parent directory. |
cd | Changes the current directory to the user's home. |
cd /mnt | Changes the current directory to "/mnt" |
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