Windows Terminal
Windows Terminal is a modern terminal application for Windows that provides a more powerful, efficient, and customizable command-line interface. It supports multiple tabs, different profiles (Command Prompt, PowerShell, WSL, etc.), and customization options. Below are some basic to advanced Windows Terminal commands and features:
### Basic Commands:
1. **Navigate File System:**
- `cd`: Change directory.
- `dir`: List files and directories.
- `cd ..`: Move up one directory.
- `cd \`: Go to the root directory.
- `cd ~`: Go to the user's home directory.
2. **File Operations:**
- `copy`: Copy files.
- `del` or `rm`: Delete files.
- `ren` or `mv`: Rename or move files.
- `type` or `cat`: Display the contents of a file.
3. **System Information:**
- `systeminfo`: Display detailed configuration information about a computer.
- `ipconfig`: Display IP configuration for all network interfaces.
- `hostname`: Display the computer's hostname.
4. **User and Permissions:**
- `whoami`: Display the username of the current session.
- `net user`: Display or modify user accounts.
- `icacls`: Display or modify Access Control Lists (ACLs) for files and directories.
5. **Task Management:**
- `tasklist`: List all running processes.
- `taskkill`: Terminate a running process.
### PowerShell Commands:
1. **Get-Help:**
- `Get-Help <command>`: Get help for a specific command.
2. **Variables and Output:**
- `$variableName = "value"`: Assign a value to a variable.
- `Write-Host`: Display output.
3. **Pipeline:**
- `|`: Use the pipeline to pass the output of one command as input to another.
4. **Get-Command:**
- `Get-Command <command>`: Retrieve information about commands.
5. **Get-Process:**
- `Get-Process`: List all running processes.
### Advanced Commands:
1. **PowerShell Remoting:**
- `Enter-PSSession`: Enter a PowerShell session on a remote machine.
- `Invoke-Command`: Run commands on a remote machine.
2. **Scheduled Tasks:**
- `schtasks`: Schedule commands and programs to run periodically.
3. **Event Viewer:**
- `eventvwr`: Open the Event Viewer for viewing system logs.
4. **Windows Registry:**
- `regedit`: Open the Registry Editor.
- `Get-Item` and `Set-Item`: PowerShell commands to work with the registry.
5. **Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI):**
- `Get-WmiObject`: Retrieve information from local and remote computers.
### Windows Terminal Customization:
1. **Settings:**
- Modify settings in the "settings.json" file to customize appearance and behavior.
2. **Tabs and Panes:**
- Use `Ctrl + Shift + T` to open a new tab and `Alt + Shift + -` to split the current pane.
3. **Profiles:**
- Customize each profile for different shells (PowerShell, Command Prompt, etc.).
4. **Themes:**
- Change color schemes and apply custom themes.
5. **Key Bindings:**
- Define custom key bindings for various actions.
These commands and features should help you navigate and perform various tasks within the Windows Terminal environment. Keep in mind that PowerShell offers a powerful scripting language for automation and system administration on Windows.
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